It drives my wife crazy. When I clean, I pull every single item in a room out. What you see in the picture is my shed, barely tall enough to fit a rake, let alone my own self standing in the middle of it. But somehow, I've managed to organize everything that fits into the category of "man work" into that shed. In a sense, its my clubhouse. I am this close to spraypainting "Girls not aloud" on the front, but if anyone knows my wife, that'd just be an invitation.
Cleaning is a tad addictive, however, and now that I've got the shed done, I've moved on to the rest of the house. I love it. It gives me a chance to think, to slow down, and appreciate how exactly my mind works. Best of all, it somehow fine tunes my writing skills. Granted, reading will always be the best catalyst for writing, universally speaking. But for me, and I'm wondering about other artists out there, the process of re-organizing and cleaning my house is essential prep work for a season of good writing. I'd like to hear from others: does cleaning and organizing in one area of your life impact your production in another, or are you fine with clutter?
Up Next: My Office |